Unpacking memories

I had moved to this place long ago
The memories still packed, so tightly
that I dared not unpack, lest the floods
should sweep me back to the halcyon days

But unpack I had to,
to ward off impending implosion, choking me.
The trembling hands, the moist eyes
Of hers, staring at me, mischievously

“I told you, I won’t let you go first,
ladies always first, you insisted” ,
Alas, The floodgates opened furiously
“But couldn’t we go together?

Beyond the Rainbow formed in
The tear sized droplets of hundreds
Of hues and colours that sounded
The divine melodies unheard

4 thoughts on “Unpacking memories

  1. Lovely poem Rajendra. It brings out the loneliness one feels when one loses his life partner

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